projects by Tara Sloan
created during her uxd internship at Amazon
november 2011 - may 2012

Endless Responsive Flyout Nav

a visual and responsive makeover for endless flyout nav


One of the enticing aspects to working on a smaller team like Endless is that major projects, such as a responsive design makeover, can come to life quickly. Endless is well on their way to becoming responsive. I was lucky to be able to work on some projects during this time.

This was my first Endless project. The goal was to redesign the current navigation to become responsive.


I created three variations of a responsive flyout navigation. The project guidelines did not place limitations on visual redesign; I had fun experimenting with new type treatments and colors.

As the project continued, it was apparent that Endless was going to treat responsive design and visual re-design as two separate projects. The attempt to separate the two can be challenging, but is sometimes necessary in order to simplify the implementation of responsive design.


This project provided me with an opportunity to explore visual design treatments on an existing feature.

The project is archived on the design repository.