projects by Tara Sloan
created during her uxd internship at Amazon
november 2011 - may 2012

Endless Responsive Detail Page

thinking responsive for the endless detail page


The goal of this project was to design a responsive detail page for Endless without major alterations to the original design.


Using Sarah's inital mockups for the top half of the detail page, I continued to explore design variations for the rest of the page at differing resolutions. I kept the designs to a mostly wireframe state, only adding a few images and elements of color. Keeping the design basic helped me generate designs more quickly.


Working from another designer's mockups was not something I had done before; I found it challenging, but by asking Sarah a ton of (probably annoying) questions, I was able to comprehend her design choices, and create something that fit well with her original work.

Working on responsive projects such have forced me to think about design in a new way. It isn't easy to break the habit of building static designs built on pixel perfect grids. Creating wireframes for a responsive detail page forced me to envision a fluid design that would adapt to any size.

The mockups are stored on the design repository.